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PNB Digital App Biometrics

Access your PNB digital app in seconds. Enable your login with your fingerprint or Face ID, faster yet safer.

Why login with your fingerprint or face ID?

  • Secure and safe. Biometrics authentication provides a secure access that does not expose sensitive information
  • Accurate. Biometrics provide higher accuracy as it recognizes your unique characteristics
  • Faster access. Access your digital app faster within seconds with your fingerprint or face ID
  • Convenience. Say goodbye to memorizing and typing of long passwords
the App now!

How to enable your biometrics in the PNB Digital App?

Make sure that Biometrics is enabled in your mobile device before proceeding. If you need help on this, refer to the steps below on how to setup biometrics on your phone.
1. Tap More in the app dashboard

2. Toggle Biometrics under Security

3. And you’re done! Confirmation appears once successful.

How to log in with your biometrics?

1. Log in to PNB Digital by tapping any icon in the navigation bar in dashboard.

2. Select either Fingerprint or Face ID as your default login.

This will be based on the setup of your mobile device settings.
3. Scan your selected biometrics login.

It’s important to note that any person who has biometrics record in your mobile device will be able to access the app.

How to setup your biometrics on your phone?

  1. Go to your phone Settings.

  2. Look for appropriate settings for biometrics.

  3. Steps and availability of fingerprint and/or face ID vary depending on your device.

iPhone (iOS)

Samsung (Android)

PNB Digital App Biometrics

Access your PNB digital app in seconds. Enable your login with your fingerprint or Face ID, faster yet safer.
the App now!

Why login with your fingerprint or face ID?

  • Secure and safe. Biometrics authentication provides a secure access that does not expose sensitive information
  • Accurate. Biometrics provide higher accuracy as it recognizes your unique characteristics
  • Faster access. Access your digital app faster within seconds with your fingerprint or face ID
  • Convenience. Say goodbye to memorizing and typing of long passwords

How to enable your biometrics in the PNB Digital App?

Make sure that Biometrics is enabled in your mobile device before proceeding. If you need help on this, refer to the steps below on how to setup biometrics on your phone.
1. Tap More in the app dashboard

2. Toggle Biometrics under Security

3. And you’re done! Confirmation appears once successful.

How to log in with your biometrics?

1. Log in to PNB Digital by tapping any icon in the navigation bar in dashboard.

2. Select either Fingerprint or Face ID as your default login.

This will be based on the setup of your mobile device settings.

3. Scan your selected biometrics login.

It’s important to note that any person who has biometrics record in your mobile device will be able to access the app.

How to setup your biometrics on your phone?

1. Go to your phone Settings.
2. Look for appropriate settings for biometrics.
3. Steps and availability of fingerprint and/or face ID vary depending on your device.

iPhone (iOS)

Samsung (Android)

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