Deposit Account/Services

Hong Kong Dollar
  Current Savings - SSA
Savings Interest Rate 0.12500%
Initial Deposit for Account Opening
Minimum amount of deposit for account opening
HK$ 20,000 HK$ 500
Minimum Amount for Time Deposit
Minimum amount for time deposit
For the interest rates, please refer to the interest board rates with our Cash Department
Terms : 1 mo. / 3 mos. / 6 mos. & 1 year

The Bank reserves the right to levy charges on pre-termination.
HK$ 1,000
Stop Cheque Payment Order (per cheque)
To stop payment on each or a series of cheque(s) in sequential order issued by the account holder
HK$ 100 N/A
Maintaining Balance HK$ 20,000 HK$ 500
Monthly fee
Accounts with monthly balance less than the defined maintaining balance
HK$ 100 HK$ 50
Returned cheque Each cheque returned due to
- insufficient funds
- other reasons
HK$ 150
HK$ 70
Dormancy charges For deposit accounts dormant for more than one year (no client-initiated transaction for one year) HK$ 30 HK$ 30
Account closure
Within three months from the date of its opening
Improper handling of current account
HK$ 200
HK$ 300
HK$ 50

US Dollar
  Savings - SSA
Savings Interest Rate 0.18750%
Initial Deposit for Account Opening
Minimum amount of deposit for account opening
US$ 300
Minimum Amount for Time Deposit
Minimum amount for time deposit
For the interest rates, please refer to the interest board rates with our Cash Department
Terms : 1 mo. / 3 mos. / 6 mos. & 1 year

The Bank reserves the right to levy charges on pre-termination.
US$ 1,000
Maintaining Balance US$ 300
Monthly fee
Accounts with monthly balance less than the defined maintaining balance
US$ 8
Dormancy charges For deposit accounts dormant for more than one year (no client-initiated transaction for one year) US$ 3.5
Premium on foreign currency notes deposits in one single day (per account):
US dollar notes for credit to US dollar account
HK$ 10 / US$ 100
Premium on foreign currency notes withdrawals in one single day (per account):
US dollar notes from US dollar account
HK$ 5 / US$ 100
Account closure
Within three months from the date of its opening
Improper handling of current account
US$ 8

*Please note that the above quoted Savings Interest Rates are subject to change from time to time.
For Time Deposit rates, please call us at (852) 2543 2812.